TGM 300: Principles of Finance in Global Organizations
This course equips students with the tools
necessary to make strategic financing and investment decisions for value
creation in a competitive global environment. Topics addressed include ratios
analysis; working capital management; time value of money, valuation of
securities, derivation of cash flows, cost of capital, capital budgeting
decisions, and international financial management.
ASU-TGM 200: Principles of Accounting for Global Organizations
Focuses on financial and managerial accounting and examines how outsiders evaluate businesses, nonprofits and governmental operations and how economic events are reflected in a firm's financial statements, including balance sheets and cash flow statements. Examines key accounting methods that impact a company's financial statements and how they are used by shareholders, creditors, employees and customers to make credit decisions and/or value a firm's equity securities.
ASU-TGM 204 Principles of Marketing for Global Organizations
Explores the ways in which global marketing strategies reflect a deep understanding of markets and create valuable offerings for customers globally. Broadly speaking, marketing strategy making is comprised of segmentation, targeting and positioning. Segmentation is the process by which we segregate a relatively heterogeneous mass market into relatively homogeneous market segments. Targeting is the process by which we analyze opportunities and identify those customers where our business has the greatest prospects for success. Positioning is the process of assembling the "total offering" (product, service, distribution and price) and communicating the benefits of this "total offering" to the members of our target market. Challenges students to think critically about global competition. As such, rote learning of terms and concepts is not sufficient to prepare students to manage a business in global markets.
CHM-107 Chemistry and Society
General chemical principles and concepts presented in context of social and technological issues, e.g., energy, pollution, global warming, and others. This lecture course may be combined with the laboratory CHM 108 for those interested in lab course credit. Cannot be used for major credit in chemical or biochemical sciences. Both CHM 107 and CHM 108 must be taken to secure SQ credit.
ECN-306: Survey International Economics
Surveys international trade issues, commercial policy, trade theory, customs unions, and international monetary topics.